Can I get a Thailand Divorce if I am not a Thai National?
Generally speaking, any person living in Thailand may file for a court divorce in Thailand so long as one of the individuals in question is lawfully present in Thailand, has established residency in Thailand and the divorce action meets other requirements, such as valid grounds for divorce.
If the parties in question lawfully married in Thailand, and desire an uncontested divorce, the couple may obtain an administrative divorce at the District Office (“Khet” or “Amphur”) where they married.
If the divorcing couple did not marry in Thailand, they do not, in most circumstances, qualify for an administrative uncontested divorce at the District Office (Khet or Amphoe). Provided they meet other requirements, a divorce may be applied for through the Thai courts, and grounds for divorce must be stated.
Various exceptions to the above rules exist. A Thai national who originally married a foreign spouse outside of Thailand, but wishes to pursue an uncontested divorce within Thailand may do so under limited conditions. |